Its very hard for a tall girl to have a relationship most guys either dont want a girl close to thier hight or they like short girls. That makes them feel left behind like thier not as grown up as they should be or like it will never happen. But just know there is some guy out there thinkin about you and be happy your not all used up like the girls who cant make good decisions for them selves. you will make the first man very happy that hes your first and mayby your last. And embrace it , alot of people dont keep the privlage you are taking.
It might be harder than that. Its Hard to have a great time with your freinds while they are talking about how cute thier relationships are and you have got nothing. Well dont just sit there be strong and change the subject tell them getting out includes a rest from a relationship time to take some space or just tell them the truth. Or joke about thier relationship and be glad your not going threw what they are it will slow down the conversation just dont lose your freinds. Just remember no website can tell you how to get a boyfreind or how to be you just be you and you sili be fine!
Rock some unisex shoes or some shoes for boys these are from 6pm.com take a look at there website
Get some flats or sandels they usualy come in a bigger or longer size and they are also cheaper.
They might not be stiltoes but wedges also come in larger sizes and still have the modern trend
6pm is one of my personal favorite websites
Most tall girls are worried how short there shorts are well first off DONT get rid of them.The main reason shorts that fit on a average girl dont fit on you is because you have long beautiful legs that most girls would die for. First off you can put tights under them long or short and there slim so you can still show off them legs!
Shorts that are longer on average girls may just fit you like regular cute shorts
Taller girls also have a problem with pants not being long enough. Well forget that rock some ankel pants flats, hightops and heels especially look good with this.